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Insurance Blog

Home Maintenance Checklist: Step by Step Guide to Prepare Your Home for the Fall

Your home is likely one of your most valuable assets and keeping it in good condition matters. Before the rainy, colder fall weather rolls in, taking certain steps to prepare your home can protect your home from sustaining damage during the fall and winter months. Clear out Gutters Spend a few hours clearing any debris out of home gutters and downspouts. Check the brackets holding...

Business Landscaping Tips

If you own a commercial property, then landscaping is a part of doing business – whether you like it or not.To help take one more thing off your plate (and help boost your curb appeal in the process), consider hiring a commercial landscape contractor. But how do you choose the right contractor? And what services do you really need?To help find the best lawn-care solution...

Most Businesses Set It and Forget It

I’ve found that most small businesses set a limit for their Business Property when they first purchase their Insurance Policy and then never update it. So, they essentially forget about it. If your Business Property remains consistent, like it does for most service businesses, it’s not a big deal. Most policies are going to include an inflation guard that will increase your Business Property amount...

Everything You've Ever Wondered About Roundabouts

There was once a time when roundabouts were all but absent from American roadways. But over the past decade or so, these circular intersections have seemed to pop up everywhere, from small rural towns to bustling urban centers.This has left many drivers wondering: why are there so many new roundabouts, and why are they replacing tried-and-true stoplights?To help answer these questions—and more—here’s everything you’ve ever...

Even Your Insurance Agent Has Claims

Yes, even your Insurance Agent has claims. Check out the video on my recent glass repair/replacement claim. I must say that the process went smoother than I even anticipated....