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Balloons, school and horse betting

School, Balloons, NYS Fair & Horse Betting!

That’s it!  Summer’s a wrap!  Back to school for Kaci, Jack and Riley.  It’s Ryan’s first year going to preschool, so everyone has a back to school routine to get used to.  I woke Riley up Friday morning for school and told her it was time to get up for school and she said “again?!”, yep and next week too.

We did manage to squeeze in a few activities before school started.  We hit up the NYS fair and the Dansville Balloon Festival.  Both great events to take the family to.  It’s cool seeing those hot air balloons up close and then watch them float away.
I also took the Agency staff and colleagues to Batavia Downs for some fun.  Betting on the horses was more fun that I had expected.  Everyone got $10 to bet on the horses and a few of us won some money!

September Charity
We donated $195 to Rochester Accessible Adventures (RAA) for the month of August.  RAA partners with the community to ensure individuals with disabilities are able to access active, inclusive recreation opportunities with their family and friends.

Camp Get-A-Way is our charity for September. We will be donating $5 for every person that calls and completes a quote with our Agency. We’ve donated $1,230 to 7 other charities so far this year. Help keep our donations climbing and tell a friend about our Agency. Maybe we can help save them some money on their insurance and help a good cause in the process…don’t forget, we’ll send you a $10 gift card for the referral!

September’s free night out raffle winner is Ryan Metzler!  We are now doing our monthly raffle draw live on Facebook, so be sure to like our Facebook page.  Remember, everytime you refer a friend or family member to my Agency, I’ll send you a $10 gift card, whether they purchase insurance from us or not, AND enter your name into our Monthly Free Night Out Raffle.

Does Your College Student Need Renter’s Insurance?
Marianne and I had so much fun, not to mention learned a lot from doing our first Facebook Live video, we decided to do another.  With all of the pictures of new college students moving into their dorms, a common question we get is whether a student needs Renter’s Insurance to cover their belongings when they are away from home.  Check out our video to see our opinion.  You might be surprised at what we found out.  Check out video and let us know what you think.
Drive Safe,

Rhett VanScoter, CIC, CPA
Phone/Text: 585-663-2004