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Insurance Blog

7 Alternatives to a Traditional Grass Lawn

Every homeowner dreams of having a yard filled with lush, perfectly green grass. But if you manage your own landscaping, it doesn’t take long to realize that achieving lawn perfection takes a whole lot of time, work and money. You have to water, fertilize, mow, weed, trim, dethatch, aerate… the list goes on. And if you slack on yardwork, your lawn will quickly take on...

The Truth, The Whole Truth

Meemic Insurance Company v. Jones – Michigan Supreme Court – June 14, 2022 – No. 161865   Jones purchased a Homeowner’s Insurance policy from Meemic Insurance in 2014. In 2015, she had a major fire at her home. Meemic Insurance paid her $2,500 and paid her Mortgage Company $60,000. During the investigation, Jones admitted that when she purchased the Homeowner’s Insurance policy in 2014, she...

Here’s Why You Should Buy Life Insurance for Your College Student

A college student does not typically have children or debt, other than student loans. With no dependents who rely on them, why would you buy life insurance for a child in college? No one wants to consider the death of a child. However, should this tragedy occur in your family, if you have co-signed on any loans, it can become a problem. On the positive...

Leasehold Improvements - An Overlooked Coverage

When a business leases a new space there is usually some renovation that needs to be done to accommodate the business’ needs. It can be a minor renovation like mine.  When I originally moved into my office, I had 2 windows installed in the office, so I could see through to the front door of my office, since I was the only one there. To...

If You Blog, You May Need Professional Liability Insurance

Every business is advised to have a blog, but does this come with risks? Surprisingly, yes. A blog may mention a specific company, competitor, or include claims regarding results, and under the right conditions, could lead to a lawsuit. Companies that make promises about what they can achieve can be at high risk. What if the advice is taken, with no result, or a bad...